One of the greatest assets for any musician, sound engineer, or music producer is the ability to hear. They rely on it for most of their music-related activities such as writing, gathering inspiration, mixing and recording. However, it is estimated that one in eight people experience some sort of hearing loss in their life. Therefore, it is advisable to invest in the right set of hearing plugs if you are in the music industry. 

Hearing tends to degrade naturally as an individual ages. Older people tend to lose a significant amount of their ability to hear higher frequencies. However, taking suitable precautions can help to slow down this process. 

For musicians, this means taking precautions in live concert venues and the rehearsal room. Fortunately, the technology around protective earplugs have improved drastically. You can utilize some of the modern designs formulated to attenuate the level of sound pressure while retaining your ability to hear the full frequency spectrum of sounds. Below are some of the factors that you should look out for when purchasing earplugs as a musician. 

They should lower the volume of sound

The main reason why you might be interested in purchasing earplugs is to protect your ears from damaging sound levels. Therefore, the brand you select should be able to turn down the volume of sound at a significant rate. 

Most earplug brands attenuate SPLs between 15 and 30dB on average. Depending on the specific purpose of the earplugs, you can select ones with higher or lower attenuation. 

They should retain as much sound quality as possible

As a musician, your main goal is to simply bring the volume of sound down while retaining as much of its quality as possible. You do not wish to lose important information in the frequency spectrum. That is why the sound quality is one of the main concerns for musicians when selecting the most suitable earplugs. 

Look for an earplug brand that does not block out mid and high-end information. The overall sound quality should be desirable and clear even with the earplugs in. 

They should be comfortable

In addition to protecting your ears, your hearing protection should be snuggly and comfortably fitting. If your pair is uncomfortable, you will lack the motivation to wear them, which defies their whole purpose. 

Every individual has unique ears, and there are no one-size-fits-all earplugs. You may need to experiment with several pairs before settling on the ones that work best for you. You may also seek an audiologist's advice for the best brand and size to suit your needs. 

Difference between consumer and pro earplugs

If you have looked up earplugs online, it is evident that there are many options at your disposal. You may fail to recognize the earplugs designated for musicians at first because most brands do not seem to have a significant difference. While numerous professionals require hearing protection in their line of work, such as factory foreman, construction workers and airport ground crews, musicians require earplugs with a specific set of characteristics. 

The most notable characteristic of earplugs used by professionals in the music field is flat frequency response. It helps to avoid skewing the balance of mids, lows and highs. The earplugs should have overall volume control without changing frequency balance. 

Consumer alternatives generally focus on volume reduction, reducing high frequencies more than mids and lows. They typically offer more volume reduction than professional earplugs. This can be beneficial when working around noisy airplanes and heavy machinery, but individuals in the music profession need to hear a clear and balanced frequency range but at a lower volume. That is why it is essential to purchase earplugs that are made specifically for musicians. 

Volume and decibels

When looking up earplugs online, you will realize that they quantify their volume reduction in decibels. A decibel is considered the slightest volume change that the human ear can detect reliably. 

Generally, six dB reduction can roughly half the perceived volume level. The most applicable volume reduction for musicians is six dB to 20dB. It can minimize the chances of hearing damage from band practice or concerts. 

Suppose you notice that a particular earplug brand has a volume reduction of 30dB or more. In that case, these are designed for applications such as rocket launches, heavy machinery operations and excessive wind conditions.

As a musician, one of the most important assets that you have in your ears. They help to ensure that instruments sound as they are supposed to while keeping you in tune. They also allow you to gather inspiration from all manner of places. That is why it is vital to protect them from harm such as hearing loss. Use the tips in this article to select the best type of earplugs for musicians. 

Portland Audiology Clinic will be able to find the earplugs for you, contact us today at 503-227-3668.